yohanes oecolampadius bahasa Inggris
- yohanes: john; john the apostle
- 1 yohanes: first epistle of john; i john
- apokrifon yohanes: apocryphon of john
- Johannes Oecolampadius served as his editorial assistant and Hebrew consultant.
Yohanes Oecolampadius menjabat sebagai asisten editorial dan konsultan bahasa Ibrani. - The Sacramentarians Andreas Karlstadt, Valentine Krautwald, Caspar Schwenckfeld, Huldrych Zwingli, and Johannes Oecolampadius were open combatants against Luther on this topic.
Kaum Sakramentarian seperti Andreas Karlstadt, Valentine Krautwald, Caspar Schwenckfeld, Huldrych Zwingli, dan Yohanes Oecolampadius mengemukakan penentangan secara terbuka terhadap Luther terkait topik ini.